A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for the first webinar of our “Fall 2020 Equine Webinar Series.” Dr. Malinowski’s presentation on “Ensuring Good Health And Well-being In The Aging Equine Population” has now been uploaded to our Library, and is available for viewing. A Part of the Fall 2020 Equine Webinar Series, Dr. Karyn Malinowski presented on her many years of research into the physiology of aging in horses. Her talk focused on recommendations for proper management and care of the older horse.
As we continue the “Fall 2020 Equine Webinar Series,” Kenneth Harrington McKeever, Ph.D., FACSM, FAPS, will present on the history of equine exercise physiology and horses in biomedical research tomorrow night! His talk will focus on how the horse has been a key player in basic biomedical research for centuries, and how the research done at Rutgers follows in the footsteps of the great physiologists of the past.
Dr. McKeever earned his Ph.D. in Animal Physiology at The University of Arizona where he also managed the University Horse Center and Quarter Horse breeding program. Upon completing his Ph.D. McKeever served for two years as a National Academies of Sciences-National Research Council Resident Research Associate in the Cardiovascular Research Lab at the NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Research Center in California. From 1987 to 1994 Dr. McKeever developed and coordinated research at the Equine Exercise Physiology Laboratory at The Ohio State University. In 1995 he joined the Faculty in the Department of Animal Sciences at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey as an Associate Professor and proceeded to build, develop, and coordinate one of the most active Equine Exercise Physiology laboratories in the USA.
We hope that you will join us tomorrow Click Here to register for tomorrow!