Last week, the Equine Science Center was well represented at the first Dorothy Havemeyer Foundation Equine Geriatric Workshop. That means that a bunch of scientists and veterinarians got together to talk about old horses – one of my favorite topics!

Ooops – I meant hey!

You’ll never guess what happened last week when I went apple picking – there were no apples! No matter where we looked, all the apples had already been harvested. All we could find were tomatoes (Yuck!). I was really bummed out until later in the week when a couple of pretty cool things happened…

Hi Friends!

The extremely dry summer we had finally took its toll on me a few weeks ago; therefore, I haven’t been able to type with my hoof for a while. Let me tell you what happened…

Several weekends ago my owner arrived at the farm to notice that I wouldn’t move and had assumed a stretched out stance which looked like I was straining to urinate. He immediately thought I was colicking and ran into the pasture to offer assistance, but once he saw that I had just finished my large breakfast (like I would EVER miss a meal!), attention was drawn away from my belly to my left leg. I simply could not put my weight on it; it really hurt!

Hello again! I’m excited and proud to announce a new addition to Equine Science 4 Kids – Fun on the Farm – an interactive game based on the environmental impact of horse farms!

ey Kids!

Do you remember my pal Frankie? She starred in “Horses on Treadmills?!” here on Equine Science 4 Kids! Well, she is back along with some of my other friends from the Equine Science Center. Take the new Equine Exercise Physiology Laboratory virtual tour on the Equine Science Center website.

Hello again!

It’s going to be another great week for horses and horse-people in New Jersey! This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is the New Jersey State 4-H Championship Horse Show. Young equestrians from all over the Garden State who have advanced from their county shows will be competing in different events, such as Western and English riding, Driving, and Dressage.

Hello Friends,

My ears were burning last week, and it wasn’t because of the heat! People were talking about me!

Some of my friends from the Equine Science Center attended the annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science in Denver. They wanted to spread the word about Equine Science 4 Kids, but most of the professors and students at the meeting already knew about our website and yours truly! Some were a little confused though; they thought my name was Prince Nelson, or King Nelson. I’m normally pretty happy to be called Nelson, but I REALLY like the sound of “King Nelson.”

Hello Friends!

I hope everyone had a happy and safe Fourth of July. I had a great view of some fireworks from underneath the old apple tree in my pasture, with plenty of treats from the BBQ next door!

Unfortunately, not everything this weekend went perfectly. Last week I got a scratch on my eye, which was quite irritating. My caretakers put a fly mask on my head and put tape over the spot where my right eye is located to keep the sun out. They also had antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicine to put in my eye. Now, I really hate having the fly mask on since it keeps me from seeing everything that is going on out at the farm, and I especially hate having medicine rubbed in my eye, but after 37 years I’ve learned that sometimes you just have to take your medicine and listen to others that know what is best for you.

Hello again!

Looking at me calendar, I realized that today, June 21st, is the official start of summer. You may be saying – “What’s the big deal?” – but as an old police horse, I can tell you that working in the summer heat can take a lot out of you. Many people spend their summers working with their horses in the show ring, at the racetrack, or riding the trails. Heat stress is a big concern to both equine athletes and their owners.