WHOA! Hold up! I can’t believe summer is over and it is already September! All of the wonderful kids that groom me during the day are going back to school; I sure am going to miss them. School can put a lot of stress on my human friends! Have you ever had the feeling of butterflies in your stomach?

I hope everyone is staying cool and hydrated despite this summer heat! My human friends are making sure I have access to shade and water, although sometimes I wish I could pull the hose out of the water trough while it is filling and spray myself down!

It is time for our annual Equine Sumer Showcase on Wednesday, July 12th from 10:00am – 12:00pm. Everyone (and by everyone, I mean only our two-legged friends) are welcome to join us and see our research mares run on the treadmill!

The 4th of July is coming up, and that means celebration! A lot of people like to partake in pool-parties and BBQ’s. Unfortunately none of the humans ever invite me to their pools, so my friends and I have to improvise by splashing in the water trough! The humans like to end the day with fireworks, which are fairly infamous in the equine community.

Summer is here, and that means trying to combat all of those pesky insects! Did you know one of the most annoying pests to horses during the warmer months is invisible to the naked eye? These tiny flies are referred to as the biting midge, which are scientifically known as Culicoides spp. Because the insects only come out during the late spring and throughout the summer, they cause a seasonal allergy, or hypersensitivity in our four legged friends.

Oh boy, do I love a party! And there’s a grand celebration happening in just a few weeks, right here at the Equine Science Center! As you may have heard, we’re celebrating our 15th Anniversary at the Center, and as part of the festivities, Horses 2017 will take place March 18-19, 2017. Our theme? “The Best of the Best!” Experts from Rutgers and beyond will be sharing their knowledge with you all weekend. Got questions? They’ve got answers! You can attend panel discussions that will give you the chance to pick the brains of top equine professionals.

February is here, and that mean’s Valentine’s Day! What better time to think about the heart of a horse? Of course your horse has “heart” – he jumps that jump from a distance you know was way too long, and he’ll walk across the scary stream on the trail because you ask him to do so. And, of course, he gives you kisses when you provide treats! What about the actual heart of a horse?

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Water is one of the most important things for a horse, especially in winter! Did you know that adequate water intake is one of the best ways to help prevent colic? That’s just one of the many reasons why it’s so critical to keep water clean, free of ice, and readily available for horses to drink anytime.

On a cold day, it’s nice for my human friends to go inside and have a cup of hot chocolate. Unfortunately, they tell me horses shouldn’t have chocolate, and there is no horsey equivalent. There have been reports, though, that horses prefer to drink warm water. Makes sense to me, but is there science to support that?!? You bet there is!

With the holiday season upon us, you may catch your parents smooching “under the mistletoe.” Traditionally, couples kiss under this decorative plant, which has light pink, oval shaped berries. But did you know that mistletoe is toxic to horses, dogs, cats and livestock if eaten??

The formal name for plants in the mistletoe family is Loranthaceae which can be found throughout the United States. Mistletoe likes to grow in deciduous (trees that shed leaves annually) hardwood trees, especially oak, and typically produces small flowers from May-July.