Hi Friends!

I picked up the newspaper today and it was like looking in the mirror! Two of my favorite New Jersey newspapers featured yours truly in an article about Equine Science 4 Kids! If you did not have a chance to grab a copy of the paper, you can click here to read the article.

Have you ever seen a horse running on a treadmill? I’m just checking in to let you know that there is a new video starring my friend Frankie performing a Graded Exercise Test (GXT) on the Equine Science 4 Kids site. The video shows the work done by both horses and humans at the Equine Science Center. Click here to watch.

Hello Everyone!

June, my favorite month, is almost here! Can you guess why June is my favorite month? Not only is everyone grilling hot dogs, but it is also the Month of the Horse! Way back in 1977, when I was still a young colt, the New Jersey Legislature and Governor Byrne proclaimed the horse as the state animal. In 1998, while I was working the beat as a mounted patrol horse, Governor Whitman declared June as the Month of the Horse here in New Jersey.

Hello again!

Finals have finished and summer is fast approaching, and with that comes the annual graduation ceremony at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences here at Rutgers. Several of our Equine Science students are preparing to graduate with a degree in Animal Science! Many are making plans to go to vet school or to work in fields related to equine science. We are very proud of our graduates!

Hello again!

My friends at the Rutgers Equine Science Center told me that they had over 5,000 visitors at the treadmill laboratory last weekend during Ag Field Day. They also told me the Equine Science 4 Kids bright red recycled tote bags was very popular, and that they handed out almost 1,000 bags in less than two hours!