

We all know that spring brings warmer weather, greener grass, and sunny days…but the best gift of spring is the foals! Here at the Rutgers Equine Science Center, we have one of our very own! Foals are so cute with their fluffy tails and wobbly legs, and are much more developed than newborn humans. The horse is a precocial species, meaning that newborn foals are neurologically mature after birth. This is because horses are prey animals in the wild and are most vulnerable immediately after birth, so they must be able to identify danger and flee if necessary. In fact, a foal will usually stand within an hour of being born (after a few failed attempts of course!). Can you imagine a human baby being able to stand an hour after being born?!

You’ve heard the phrase “April showers bring May flowers”, but rain also brings lush green pastures that horses love! And now is the time for a delicious salad made from dandelions. As the spring season goes on, it makes me happy to see new sprouts of grass grow out of the dirt that dominated the pasture in the winter months. Don’t get me wrong; I love hay, but there’s nothing like grabbing a huge mouthful of fresh grass from the ground as the sun shines down and a warm breeze makes my tail float in the wind…it’s almost enough to make me forget that the rider on my back is trying to get my head up!

Hay Friends,

Remember in my last blog post I promised to share with you the location of a horse’s third eye? Well, it’s right in front of the ears, hidden underneath the forelock, but you can’t see it! Just kidding! Horses don’t actually have a REAL third eye – that would be bizarre! They do however have something called a pineal gland in their brain that processes information about the environment, like exposure to daylight, similarly to the actual eye. The pineal is a small reddish brown egg-shaped gland located in the center of the brain tucked between the two hemispheres.

Bathing04112010Hay everyone!

I know with this warmer weather we’ve been having, most of you have been trading in your heavy winter coats for your lighter spring jackets…I know I have! Much like your pet dogs and cats, horses shed their thicker winter coats for their sleeker summer coats as the seasons change. But unlike humans, it is not a direct result of warmer temperatures. So what causes horses to begin shedding their coats in the spring and growing them in the fall? Read on to find out!



You all know about my “affection for confections”, my love for cupcakes and ice cream, but have you ever wondered what other strange things horses eat? Well, it turns out there are lots of strange foods that you would be surprised horse’s enjoy…but only in moderation!

nels-2Band-2Bchristi-2BeditHay everyone!

How about this crazy weather we’ve been having? I’ve been busy climbing the mountains of snow that have formed in my paddock…the other day my owner couldn’t find me because I was behind a snow pile that towered over my head! Check out some of my snow filled pictures in my photo gallery below! I just can’t wait for spring to come!

BellyUpHi friends,

Did you ever see a horse that looks like its belly is pulling its spine toward the ground, causing its back to slope downward just behind its withers? If you aren’t sure what I mean, just look at some of the pictures of myself that I’ve posted here! The condition is commonly known as “sway back” but its scientific name applies more to yours truly…”LORDosis!”

Happy-2BBirthday-2B4_cropHi Friends,

Welcome to 2011! I certainly hope that the recent weather event (the blizzard!) that ended 2010 isn’t a prediction of what’s yet to come. I’ll have more on that a little later – just keep reading!

Hey Gang,

Even though I JUST recovered from my Thanksgiving feast, I am already gearing up for more holiday dinners and sweet treats! I’ve been taking advantage of this festive holiday season to eat all the little goodies I could swindle from my caretakers! They are always careful not to over-feed me, because that could lead to some serious health problems. When humans overeat they may need to spend a couple of days at the gym, but when horses overeat, it could be deadly!

ey Future Equine Experts!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?” Ever wonder what it means? Today, it means to be thankful for a gift (even if you secretly want something better) and don’t take something given to you for free for granted; but the roots of the phrase go back to when horses were used for everyday work, and when people depended on them for survival.

Did you know you can tell a horse’s age by examining its teeth? I ask because to understand the phrase, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” you should know how to estimate a horse’s age.