Hey Everyone!

Are you jumping with excitement for all the fairs, festivals, and petting zoos this summer?? I know I can’t contain myself!! At Rutgers, we even had some visitors stop by for our annual Summer Showcase and I was the star of the show. (Not to toot my own horn or anything…) Check me out…

Fireworks_croppedHay Everyone, The Fourth of July is tomorrow and that means barbecues, HOT DOGS, (Mmm mmm mmm) and of course fireworks! Fireworks are magnificent and a great way to celebrate. But in a horse’s mind, the loud sounds and bright lights can mean “something is attacking me!” and ...

Picture-187.jpg_cropHay Everyone!

I’ve been walking around my barn with a fly swatter trying to get all these PESKY FLIES!! All day long, it’s Buzz-Buzz-Bite-Buzz-Buzz-Bite! And then I spend the rest of the day scratching. Luckily for me, the staff at Rutgers is putting up some protective measures against flies for my friends and me. You can even do some of these tips at your own barn.

Happy (Belated) Sire’s Day!

Many of today’s great racehorses have come from a long line of strong and fast sires.  One might say they have royal blood pumping through their veins!  England isn’t the only one with its own set of monarchies!

I may not be a princess but my pops is Muscles Yankee (pictured on the left) and had a lifetime earnings of $1,424,938 on the racetrack and sired 13 MILLIONAIRES!  At least I know where I get my speed and my gorgeous good looks! (Photo credit:

Hay, everyone!

I’m back again with the latest Rutgers scoop! I hope you remember my last blog post, “Spring Cleaning” about how to prepare your barn for the spring; now, I’m hear to tell you about how to prepare your horses for the spring.

Warmer weather leads to mosquitoes. And with mosquitoes, comes nasty diseases! Luckily, there are annual vaccines that help protect us from those diseases. I just got mine boosted last week and boy was my bum sore for a couple days!

Hay, everyone!

The name’s Stardust and I am one of the research mares (“Horse Heroes”) at Rutgers. I am here to give you a blow-by-blow report on everything that’s happening at Rutgers. But first, let me tell you a little about myself.

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Hay Y’All,

This is Hugme Christi, Lord Nelson’s “gal pal”. This week has been very somber with the passing of my second-half, Nelson. However, his life will live on in our memories and hearts. He loved being a professor at Rutgers and teaching people of all ages about horses and science. His legacy will live on through “Equine Science 4 Kids” and a memorial research fund dedicated to further “old horse” research at Rutgers.


Ouch! My Hoof!

Now that Spring is here and the snow is finally melting; it has made my paddock into a muddy disaster! This wet and dirty environment is inconvenient for me, but a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. My equine pal has developed a hoof abscess due to being hock-deep in mud.


Hay Students,

I’m excited to announce that I will be teaching a short course at Rutgers this summer!  My blog has finally reached the attention of the Dean and he has hired me to teach a course on what I know best…POOP!  I think he also realized that horses could behave themselves in a classroom as shown by Dodgeball’s appearance at the Center’s annual “An Evening of Science and Celebration”.

Nelson behind snow

Holy Hoofprints! I’m moving! Well, my blog is anyway.

I have to apologize for not keeping in touch, but packing boxes is not easy to do with just my hooves! Now the snow has covered all of them and you can barely see me! My blog will no longer be on Blogger, but on the Equine Science Center’s brand-new website! Check out the little sneak peek below.