The holiday season is right around the corner. For all my friends here on campus, that means finals are also fast approaching. Before everyone can take a much-deserved break, they have to put in a bit more studying and make it over that final jump (excuse me, final exam). Now, we all know the dreaded season of final exams brings plenty of stress with it including those dreaded all-nighters. Healthy eating habits can also quickly disintegrate, and stress levels can seem to spiral out of control. Before you panic, however, take a moment to rein in those feelings of stress and take a look at some ways you can minimize stress. And the coolest part? You’ll also learn about keeping your horse healthy!
Thanksgiving: Time for a Family History Lesson?
November 20, 2019
The leaves have all turned colors and I see pumpkins everywhere! Fall is definitely here and that means Thanksgiving is right around the corner. As you might guess, Thanksgiving is one of my very favorite holidays because of all the yummy food (mmm, I can already taste the pumpkin pie). Don’t get me wrong, I also take this opportunity to be thankful for the many good things in my life. One of the best things to be thankful for this holiday season is family.
Nelson Investigates: Milkweed
November 6, 2019
My friends here at the Equine Science Center reported some disturbing news recently. There are reports of milkweed appearing in hay. At first glance I didn’t think this was a problem. I mean aren’t we supposed to plant milkweed for the Monarch Butterflies? I decided to do some sleuthing and see what I could uncover about milkweed and horses.
RU Coming to the Evening of Science and Celebration?
October 29, 2019
Can you believe November is right around the corner? It seems like just yesterday I was munching on all the fresh spring grass. Now I’m watching the leaves change color and seeing how many pumpkin donuts I can sneak in. I was told I may need to start watching my figure. Can you believe the nerve of that?! You do know what else November brings, right? The Evening of Science and Celebration is almost here! Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 14th.
Nelson Investigates: Biosecurity
October 9, 2019
In one of my recent blogs a took a look at vaccines and how they work. I had hoped to convince my veterinarian to decrease the number of vaccines and thus, needle pricks I received each year. I discovered instead that it is very important for me to receive all of my vaccinations each year to stay healthy. Along the way I learned biosecurity is also an important part of keeping myself and my horsey friends healthy. I decided I needed to gather more information about biosecurity and so, I set out on another investigative journey.
The 8th Annual Open Space Pace: Parades, Racing, and Fun for Everyone!
September 25, 2019
Excitement and fall are in the air as all the students once again return to campus! This has always been one of my favorite times of year. I love visiting with the students, meeting new people, and catching up with friends as they return. You know what else the fall brings? The Open Space Pace.
Nelson Investigates: Vaccines
September 11, 2019
I have some front-line news to share with you all today. Several cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) have been reported right here in New Jersey. This news has caused my friends at the Equine Science Center to make sure all my vaccinations are up-to-date. Now, I’m sure all of you know how much I dislike my annual vaccinations. Don’t worry, though, I always behave myself and stand quietly while the veterinarian is here. I won’t embarrass myself or my friends at the Center. I make sure all of my friends here at the Center, though, are very aware of my complaints. You can’t blame me. I mean who really enjoys a needle stick? I decided it was time I called my investigative skills into action again. I set out to learn all I could about vaccines in hopes I could rid myself of some of these vet visits throughout the year.
What Will You Do When You Grow Up?
August 28, 2019
It’s one of my favorite times of year – time to head back to school! Can you believe there’s a hint of fall in the air and students are returning to campus? All of those returning students bring plenty of snacks and attention for me! As much as I love the food and care showered upon me, I have to admit I also look forward to having classes start because of all the cool new things I get to learn from my friends. As I look forward to heading back to school, I thought I would continue my series on careers in the equine industry by interviewing someone who decided to make a career out of teaching and discovering cool things through research.
Equine Science Center Alumni Reunion: Friends, Education, and Racing
August 14, 2019
The Equine Science Center hosted an Alumni Reunion in conjunction with the annual Hambletonian Veterinarian Continuing Education Conference. Our Center staff and students had the opportunity to join the conference and learn all about the latest in equine health and management. Then it was off to the Meadowlands Racetrack where they set-up for an evening of catching up with friends and watching live harness racing.
Nelson Investigates: Slobbers
August 1, 2019
Oh boy, do I have a story for you guys! I LOVE clover, and my pasture was filled with it this past week. It was the best week ever! Anyway, I was minding my own business grazing, but then all of a sudden I started drooling uncontrollably! It was definitely not an attractive look, and the mares in the neighboring pasture started laughing. There was saliva everywhere! So I had to find out, what was happening???