Hay Everybody!
2020 is off to a great start for me! I have enjoyed the recent warm weather and time spent dozing in the sunshine. I am now well-rested and ready for a year full of fun activities. Can you believe our first event of the year is almost upon us? You better be ready to come join us for the annual Horse Management Seminar on February 9th. This year’s topic is Racehorse / Sport Horse Care and Rehabilitation. I will definitely be in attendance, and I plan to take copious amounts of notes. I always keep a close eye on the nutrition talks, but there promises to be something for everyone.
Our first presenter of the day will be Dr. Nancy Lee with Sound Equine. She’ll be addressing different aspects of caring for the racehorse and the sport horse. If you have either type of horse, you’ll be sure to learn something helpful at this talk. The next talk of the day will be presented by Dr. Jesse Tyma from Mid-Atlantic Equine. Dr. Tyma will dive into the fascinating topic of what injuries you should try to avoid and which ones you can live with when transitioning a horse from a racing career to a sport or pleasure career. Ow, talks about injuries always make me cringe. I’ve been told it’s better to be informed about injuries and their consequences than be kept in the dark, though.
The stellar line-up continues with Dr. Sarah Bye of Foundation Equine who will talk about rehabilitation for race and sport horses. Thank goodness I’ve never had to learn about rehabilitation through first-hand experience. I would much rather learn through listening rather than first-hand experience on this topic. The last keynote speaker for the day will be Dr. Shannon Pratt-Phillips from North Carolina State University. I think she might be my favorite presenter because she’s presenting on…Feeding for Different Competitive Sports. I can already feel my mouth watering. Not only will I be taking detailed notes, but I am going to make sure all of the staff here at the Center are doing the same.
You’ll also want to make sure you check out all of the great vendors throughout the day. There’s always plenty of breaks built in to browse the displays, chat with colleagues and friends, and enjoy the food. Who knows, you might even win one of the door prizes given away throughout the day. Make sure you also stick around for the update on the equine research taking place right here at Rutgers University. You never know what cool things our graduate students will be sharing.
Go ahead and make plans to join us on February 9, 2020 at the Cook Campus Center at Rutgers University. The day begins at 8 a.m. You’ll want to make sure to register by visiting http://bit.ly/2020HorseManagement. We look forward to welcoming you to campus!
Until next time!
Your Friend,

Lord Nelson