If you’re like me, you occasionally need a refresher on things you’ve learned in the past. Well, I was browsing the Equine Science Center’s website the other day and to my horror found I had forgotten what I could find there! I decided my readers might appreciate a brief overview of the Equine Science Center, the resources we can offer you, and opportunities for involvement.

I’m hopeful there are signs of spring in the air! The snow is finally starting to melt. It was fun while it lasted, but I’m ready to start nibbling on some tender green grass shoots. Spring also brings the Junior Breeders Symposium. As you might guess, this year’s event with be virtual. Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 27, 2021 from 9am to noon.

What do my readers think of all this snow that has fallen? It has me kicking up my heels in the morning! In between these bouts of fun, I’ve been doing some serious planning. Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and I want to give my sweetheart the perfect day. I’ve discovered some fun facts about the horse’s heart along the way. Hearts are, after all, the shape we associate with Valentine’s Day. Of course, I want to share my newfound knowledge with you!

I can’t believe it’s that time of year again, but the Horse Management Seminar is almost upon us! You all know how much I love learning, so this is one of my favorite times of the year. Like everything else the Horse Management Seminar will look a little different this year. While I and everyone else at the Equine Science Center would love to see your smiling faces on campus, we know that’s not possible. We have taken the Horse Management Seminar to a virtual platform! You can watch from the comfort of your very own home. (I might even wear my pajamas to the event. Don’t tell anyone, though!) Now you can join us for three evenings packed with educational content. Go ahead and mark you calendars for February 1st, 8th, and 15th at 6:30-8:30 PM ET.

Welcome to the New Year! Brrrrr! These last couple of months have brought some cold weather. I watch all my two-legged friends bundling up in all their layers and shake my head in wonderment. They don’t understand the joy of a morning frolic in the crisp weather. This is the perfect weather to show off my best moves! (It’s even more fun when the mares next door are looking my way.)