Hay Everyone!
I’m hopeful there are signs of spring in the air! The snow is finally starting to melt. It was fun while it lasted, but I’m ready to start nibbling on some tender green grass shoots. Spring also brings the Junior Breeders Symposium. As you might guess, this year’s event with be virtual. Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 27, 2021 from 9am to noon.
As always, multiple tracks will be offered. For the horse lovers, we’ll have a great line-up of horse sessions! You can kick-off the morning with Dr. Sara Malone, one of the instructors in the Department of Animal Sciences here at Rutgers, for a session on equine behavior. Next up will be Ph.D. candidate, Ellen Rankins, with a session on human-horse interactions. You can round out the morning with Jennifer Weinert, Ph.D. candidate, for a fun game. Get your fingers and brains ready! You’ll need all of your brain power and a quick finger to win this trivia game. I can barely stand still just thinking about it! You know how competitive I can be. I love a good game!
I know I’ll be in attendance at this year’s symposium. I hope you will be joining us! If, like me, technology isn’t your thing you might want to have an older sibling or parent on hand to help you out! (I’ve asked my friends at the Equine Science Center to lend me a hand. These hooves make virtual events a little difficult!) You’ll need to register by March 15, 2021. More information about the event and the registration link can be found on the 4-H Animal Science Blog. Grab a friend and join us for a fun-filled and educational morning!
See you soon!
Your Friend,

Lord Nelson