Welcome to 2023! It’s hard to believe another year has rolled by and yet, here we are. You may want to stay inside where it’s warm and dry during the winter months which means your visits to the barn become less frequent. I can’t wait until we have our first snow, so I can kick my heels up and create a few snow plumes! Some of my human friends seem to dislike the cold weather and wear so many layers to stay warm. Winter brings special concerns and challenges for the horse owner, in addition to those extra layers of clothing. It’s easy to stay focused on the big problems winter brings such as keeping water troughs and buckets free of ice and then overlook smaller items. Even though you may not think about it very often, it’s important to keep up with your horse’s hoof care this winter season.

Where has the year gone? It seems like it was just last week that I was writing about 2022 being a new year and now it’s almost over. I hope you and yours are ready to welcome in another new year! New Year’s always seems like a good time to take a few moments for reflection and goal setting. As you might guess, my goals and reflections usually center around eating and learning! Most years my list of New Year’s resolutions includes a new flavor of doughnut I want to try. I’m beginning to worry that they will run out of new flavors at some point. It hasn’t happened yet, so I’m keeping my hooves crossed that it stays that way.

As I’ve meandered around campus and the surrounding neighborhoods in the past weeks, I’ve noticed many festive decorations going up. It’s hard to believe the winter holidays and break are almost upon us. I always look forward to this time of year because I can find an almost unending supply of peppermints. Eating candy canes is almost as fun as gobbling up doughnuts! This year the folks at the Equine Science Center made some yummy treats (Yes, some of them are peppermint flavored!). They want to share the recipe with you, so you have treats to share with your horse and human friends! I have to say, they had a lot of fun making these treats and sharing them with my horsey friends. Check it out for yourself.

It’s been a while since I’ve shared an idea for a career in the equine industry with you. This week we return to the series with a look into the life of a Standardbred racehorse trainer. Julie Miller, with Team Miller Stable, is a Standardbred trainer located right here in New Jersey. She’s a great friend of the Equine Science Center and even lets her horses participate in some of our research projects! I got to take a trip down to her stable for the interview. She had a new crop of young horses that had just arrived. Let me tell you, some of them looked cute! I know you’re not here for the cute horses though. You’re here to learn something, so keep reading to find out what life as a Standardbred trainer is like.

It’s time to dig out your comfy pants and find a seat at the dinner table! Thanksgiving is next week. While I hope you get to enjoy time with friends and family this Thanksgiving season, my favorite part of the holiday is always the great spread of food provided at the dinner table! I have a hard time deciding what my favorite dish is. There are just so many to choose from. I must admit cranberry sauce ranks among my favorites. It has the perfect combination of sweetness and tartness!

It’s here! The Rutgers Equine Science Center’s annual Evening of Science and Celebration is tomorrow and it’s back in-person. You’re invited to attend this fun event! Join us on Thursday, November 3rd 6:00 to 9:00 PM for a program packed full of science and celebration.

Have you seen all these pumpkins sitting on people’s porches and in their yards? I’ve been tempted to stop in to sneak a bite, but I decided that might be a bad idea. I don’t want to get in trouble for eating someone’s fall decorations! Here at the Equine Science Center, we’ve been partaking in the festivities! Our students, staff, and faculty gave pumpkin decorating their best effort. Wow! I have to say we have some really creative folks at the center. Check out the photo gallery for some inspiration as you embark on decorating your pumpkin.

I recently rediscovered podcasts. What a fun way to learn new things! I’ve found out that you can find a podcast on almost any subject. Even more exciting than listening to a podcast is listening to a podcast where someone you know is the guest star!

Having students back on campus is so much fun! They bring energy and enthusiasm to all of us working here. This is just one of the reasons Fall is my favorite time of the year. I am also really excited this year because the Animal Science Department has welcomed several new faculty members to its ranks. One of these, Dr. Taylor Ross, will also be a member of the Equine Science Center because of her background in and passion for horses. I thought all of you might like to meet her, especially since you’re likely to see her at future 4-H events.

I am happy to share that I am returning to my series on careers in the equine industry. This week I traveled to Northern New Jersey to interview Dr. Sarah Gold, a veterinarian with Furlong’s Soundness Center who specializes in rehabilitation. I got to see their cool facility and equipment while I was there! The staff made sure I was warmly welcomed, and I may have even sneaked a few treats out of them! Keep reading to find out more about Dr. Gold and her team!