4640162081_08ac1c996c_zHay there Kids!

Over the last couple rainy days I have taken to reading some of my old Alma Mater textbooks. Of course, since Memorial Day is fast approaching, I’m chomping at the bit to jump into the stories of our soldiers (and their steeds) that we are all memorializing. You won’t believe what I found out, just by doing a little digging! I think I may have found my long lost cousin, too! You have to hear this…

Picture-102Hay there friends!

I am so excited that we’ve finally had a bunch of warm days in a row! You’re probably starting to spend more time outside, opening windows in the house and barn, and taking more time outdoors to care for and enjoy your horses. The saying “spring cleaning” is not just a reference to your house and farm, but to your horses as well! After the shedding, the next thing to think about is your equine de-worming program. Horse owners should be aware of both horse health and the impact parasite killing drugs (anthelmintics) may have on the environment. Scientists around the world, including Mike Sukdheo at the Rutgers Equine Science Center, have studied parasites and pesky little buggers for decades, and have a lot to say about best practices.

EstrusBlog1Hay Folks,

This weekend I had a most peculiar experience with all of my lady friends around the farm. Ever since this warm weather started to come around it seems that everyone has quite a bit more energy! I was really enjoying just standing near my run-in shed soaking up the warm sun, as I was doing recently, when suddenly the mood on the farm started to change.

RutgersDayHay there friends!

It’s that time of year again! Students are ending their spring semester here at Rutgers University, some are preparing to graduate, and we are ALL preparing for the GREAT BIG Ag Field Day at Rutgers Day Bash! Are you going to visit the Red Barn this Saturday, April 27th? The festivities kick-off at 10:00, but make sure you’re here at 1pm and 2pm. That’s when you’ll see the main attraction –

Lord-Nelson-April-2010-001_CROPHappy March my fellow science seekers!
It looks like the groundhog was right after all spring is around the corner next week! I’m starting to get the itch… not just because I’ve been daydreaming about eating doughnuts all day with the warm sun shining on my face, but because these brighter days are starting to make my coat shed! Losing your coat is a prickly process, but there are a bunch of ways you can help.


It’s that time of year again! Love is in the air! My gal-pal Christi and I have been enjoying the sunny bursts of warmer weather lately, but there is so much mud around from all that snow, I don’t think our coats will sparkle until summer! But that is OK because rolling in the dirt is way too fun, especially after a nice grooming. Hopefully the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, was right that spring will be early this year. I have a good feeling about it. I also have been getting very excited about Valentine’s Day! I was pleasantly surprised with a recent sweets-spread last week! Christie and I exchanged Whinny-Grams and then shared cupcakes, doughnuts, and cookies! It was a hay bale of fun. Valentine’s Day is so great because everyone realizes how much they appreciate each other, and I appreciate you, my partner in science, and my fan!


After rolling around in the dirt on a beautiful breezy Sunday morning I noticed my caretaker, Wendy Hale, walking to the fence with an unexpected guest. Intrigued, I took a few steps from my run-in shed to get a better look. She was bundled head to toe in a heavy jacket with a red baseball cap and a bright blue hood. This didn’t help me get anywhere with identifying the strange woman. But then I saw her face, and her big smile that raised her cheeks and made her eyes squint.

Nelson-BirthdayHay Folks,

It’s nearing my birthday and I’m giddy for the gifts! I can’t wait to see my cake with all 40 glowing candles!

Between the celebrations, chilly weather, and holiday cheer this time of year, it’s always fun to gather round a fire. Now, I’m all in favor of a fireside chat about the old Wild West, but there is more to those flames that you need to know about than just their cozying effects.

InSnow_CROP“Winter is coming,
The squirrels are getting fat.
Please put a blanket on your horse’s back
If you haven’t got a blanket, a long thick coat will do,
If you haven’t got a long thick coat then read this blog through!!”


I am sure that the last couple of weeks have been a challenge for all of us here in New Jersey and surrounding areas. In the wake of the two severe storms, there is even MORE work to be done now in the home and in the pasture.