November is here and do you know what that means?? “An Evening of Science and Celebration” is coming on Thursday, November 17th!

You don’t want to miss this. For starters, it’s become a tradition for our Horse Heroes to showcase their equine skills on the treadmill – it’s a demonstration that will amaze you! Not only that, but the horses will be available for autographs after they “WOW” you with their performance.

Do you know that there are some great forage alternatives? Maybe your pastures are looking a little dry, or maybe you don’t have pasture at all! There are a number of ways to supplement important fiber and forage for your horse, and here, we’ll talk about three of my favorites (besides doughnuts and fresh hay) – hay cubes, hay pellets and beet pulp.

Hay Everyone!

We’re well into the summer show season, and it’s also the time of year when we’re lucky to take our horses out trail riding, or even on vacation with us! Did you know that you have to have a current Coggins test, dated within the past 24 months, to transport your horse on New Jersey’s roads (and within 12 months to other states)? Warm summer weather also brings with it pesky insects like horse flies and mosquitoes which can put horses’ health at risk if they have not had their annual spring vaccinations.

Are You And Your Horse Ready For The 4th of July?

Treadmills, horses and games! And it’s FREE! The Equine Summer Showcase is this coming Wednesday, July 13 from 10:00am – 12:00pm at the Cook Campus Red Barn.

Are You And Your Horse Ready For The 4th of July?

Happy Birthday America!

As Independence Day approaches, you’re probably making plans to take in a fireworks show, host a party with friends or attend a parade. I do love a parade! After all, I used to perform in front of a football stadium full of adoring fans….but I digress.

Why I Love To Roll! Blog Post

Spring has sprung….and so has the grass!!!!Pixie & Epi Graze

By now, pasture grasses are growing like crazy, and horses are happy to munch away. There are a few things you should keep in mind when turning your horses out.

Why I Love To Roll! Blog Post

Ag Field Day at Rutgers Day is coming on April 30, from 10am – 4pm, and I’m so excited! My friends in the research herd will show their stuff on the treadmill, and answer YOUR questions about anything and everything that happens in the Equine Exercise Physiology Laboratory.

WHAT?!? You’ve never seen a horse on a treadmill?? Well, now’s your chance!! It’s really pretty cool. There will be TWO treadmill demos, the first at 1:00pm and the second at 2:00pm sharp! Late-comers will not be admitted in order to ensure the safety of our horses and guests. You’ve seen the video, you’ve played the game, “Exercising Horse Power”. Now see it for real!

Why I Love To Roll! Blog Post

Spring is finally getting here!

Days are getting longer, the ground is getting softer (and muddier!) Coats are shedding and soon it will be time to store away winter blankets (for those of you who wear them!) As a horse it’s kind of tricky to scratch my own back, but if I get to take a good roll on the ground, it certainly does the trick!

Outside or In Blog Post

Greetings, friends!

Every winter, we at the Equine Science Center get asked, “Is it OK for horses to live outside? Shouldn’t they be brought in to a heated barn?” At the young age of 42, I prefer to live outside. I simply cannot be contained! Some of my equine friends, like the horses in the research herd here at Rutgers, also live outside 24/7. Other friends of mine go into a stall at night. Why the difference? Is one better than the other? Well, as with most things, the answer is, it depends!

Valentines Day Blog Post

Hay Everyone!

It’s that time of year again where we show a little bit of love towards that special someone. You know what I’m talking about… Valentine’s Day!

But if you’re anything like me and don’t have a Valentine, you probably have found yourself with a lot of free time. Personally, I like to read in my spare time. I ended up finding multiple articles regarding horse’s hearts, and BOY have I read some pretty fascinating stuff!