Hay Everyone!
It’s that time of year once again! Rutgers Day 2021 is right around the corner. Even though we won’t be able to welcome you to campus, we have been busily preparing for a day filled with fun and educational content. Plan to join us on Saturday, April 24th for the Virtual Rutgers Day!
Content and activities will be rolled out on the Rutgers Day Facebook page between 10 AM and 4 PM, so you can join in the fun from the comfort of your own home. Whether sitting and watching a video or engaging in a fun activity is your idea of how to spend a fun day, there will be something for you.
Some of the usual events you are used to seeing at Rutgers Day will be available. You’ll be able to learn more about the Equine Science Center and our facilities. (You might even catch a glimpse of one of our famous horses on the treadmill.)
If you’ve ever stopped by to watch the students in the Animal Handling and Fitting Class show off their horses and new skills, you know how much fun this event can be! Don’t worry. You’ll still be able to catch this show in the virtual format. You can learn more about the students and their horses anytime between now and the big day by checking out the Rutgers University Teaching Herd – RUTH Facebook page. This seems like the perfect way to get ready and excited for the event. I’m going to be picking out my favorite team and rooting for them on the big day!
I hope many of you are able to join in the fun on Saturday, April 24th for the 2021 Virtual Rutgers Day!
Until next time.
Your friend,

Lord Nelson