Hay Everyone!
This busy spring continues! Don’t forget that our New Jersey Equine Industry Summit is next week on Thursday, March 16th. You can look back at the previous blog post, if you somehow missed it. The next event on our calendar is the Junior Breeder Symposium on Saturday, March 25th! The event begins at 8:30AM and runs through 3PM.
As always, there will be multiple tracks focusing on different animal species that you can choose from for the day. Our staff, students, and faculty will be a part of the equine track of sessions, and you don’t want to miss out on the awesome activities we have planned!
The day will kick off with our very own Dr. Taylor Ross. Her session will focus on the horse’s digestive tract anatomy and its implications for feeding your horse. I, of course, want to be at this session. Anything related to eating is fascinating to me!
The second horse session of the day will feature Craig Ferrell, the owner of Winners Edge Horseshoeing. As an expert farrier, he will be discussing how trimming impacts a horse’s way of going. Along the way you’ll also learn about hoof anatomy.
The third session will be hosted by Dr. Carey Williams and Dr. Anna Hausman. They’ll be offering an in-depth session on the horse’s leg anatomy. You’ll get to work through anatomy from the basics of the outside parts of the horse down to the tendons and ligaments that run through the horse’s leg. I’ve heard rumors there might be a fun game involved! Make sure you stop in to see if these rumors are true.
The horse sessions will finish with Dr. Alisa Herbst, a post-doc with the Equine Science Center. She’ll be talking about muscling in horses and sharing a scale she developed for scoring muscle atrophy in horses. You’ll get to try your hand at using the system during the session!
I have to say I think it sounds like a great lineup of speakers and sessions. You’re sure to learn something new and you might make some new friends along the way! If you plan to attend, you will need to register for the event. More details on the event and the registration link can be found at https://nj4h.rutgers.edu/animals/junior-breeder/. I can’t wait to welcome you to the Red Barn on Saturday, March 25th!
See you then!
Your Friend,

Lord Nelson