Things have been busy at the Equine Science Center. Our students have returned to campus, and they have filled it with such positive energy! Our labs have also been busy as research projects get under way or continue. Sometimes I have to take a quick cat nap just thinking about all the fun things going on. It can be exhausting. One of the ongoing research projects is our big project with veterans and horses. I know I’ve given you some hints in the past about this wonderful project. Today, though, we’re going to set off on an investigative journey to take a deep dive into one particular aspect of this project. Journey along with me as I learn about heart rate and heart rate variability.

It’s been a while since I set out on an investigative journey. I decided it is once again time to break out my sleuthing skills. What fun and exciting topic will we explore this week? Microchipping! Do you know what microchipping is? How about why we might use a microchip? Don’t fear. If you don’t know the answers, I’ll fill you in on everything I learned in my investigation.

It’s hard to believe.  Back to school season is upon us once again.  I’m excited to see students repopulating the campus as we prepare for classes and our students’ return here at the Equine Science Center.  Most of us associate school with learning, after all, that is its primary purpose.  Most people have some idea of how they learn and retain information.  What do you know about how horses learn, though?  I thought I’d take a short dive into the research on learning and cognition in horses and report back to you. 

You may have met Jennifer Weinert-Nelson, a Ph.D. candidate here at the Equine Science Center. While she has been a student at Rutgers, she has helped me out on lots of projects! She even had a hand in creating the new Equine Science 4 Kids! activity book. While Mrs. Weinert-Nelson spends plenty of time here at the Equine Science Center, she’s also completed some pretty cool research utilizing the pastures at the Ryders Lane Farm. She is close to completing her research and wrapping up her time here at Rutgers. I thought this would be the perfect time to learn a little more about what she has been working on.

If you remember, we visited with a 4-H Agent a couple of a weeks ago to explore another career in the equine industry. Well, I’m back with another installment in the equine careers series. We’re going to take a few moments to visit with another 4-H Agent. It’s always helpful to hear about careers from a couple of different perspectives as you’ll often learn different things from different people.

I’m back once again to report on a career in the equine industry. You’ve probably noticed we host many events in conjunction with the New Jersey 4-H program. I’ve always thought being a 4-H agent would be fun. You get to interact with kids and horses all the time! What’s not to like about that job description? I decided to take a deeper dive into the life of a 4-H agent. Keep reading for an interview with Carol Ward, a 4-H agent in Somerset County.

Tomorrow will be the first day of July. How is that possible? It seems the days just fly away from you when you’re having fun. For me, the summer months bring lots of time standing under the shade trees and relaxing. I don’t mind a nice shower in the wash stall either to help drive away the summer heat. This coming weekend can be an anxious time for your horses and other pets, though. Most of us enjoy a fun celebration on July 4th as we celebrate our country’s independence. For many this celebration might include a spectacular fireworks show. This noisy show can be terrifying to horses and other pets. What can you do to help keep your horse safe this weekend as we celebrate?

I’m excited to be bringing you another installment in my careers in the equine industry series. This week I visited with a Helen Thomas, an author and writer. She has worked with some of the folks at the Equine Science Center on articles for The Horse, an equine magazine. Today we get to take a look into her everyday life. As you might imagine, this ranks among my favorite interviews. I am a writer too, so we have much in common!

It’s June. Do you know what the month of June in New Jersey is? It’s the Month of the Horse! A whole month where you can celebrate me and my four-legged friends. How are you going to celebrate? As you might imagine, I have no shortage of ideas. The folks here at the Equine Science Center say some of these ideas are too extravagant. I think they need to get into the spirit! I see nothing wrong with buying doughnuts every single morning and indulging in some carrot cake every afternoon.

I am excited to be returning to my series on careers in the equine industry. I found an amazing person to interview for this latest update, Helena Harris. She is a podcaster and has worked with the staff at the Equine Science Center during several of her podcast episodes. She’s returning the favor with an interview on what it’s like to be a podcaster. I’m pretty sure this is one of the coolest jobs because Helena gets to talk about horses all the time!