Hay Everyone!
It’s here! The Rutgers Equine Science Center’s annual Evening of Science and Celebration is tomorrow and it’s back in-person. You’re invited to attend this fun event! Join us on Thursday, November 3rd 6:00 to 9:00 PM for a program packed full of science and celebration. You can still register for the event at https://go.rutgers.edu/Evening2022.
Are you curious about the evening’s agenda? Well, I have the inside scoop! There are some perks to working for the Rutgers Equine Science Center besides a steady supply of doughnuts. The keynote speaker for the evening is Dr. Frank Andrews from Louisiana State University. His presentation is entitled “Dietary Management of Gastric Ulcers in Horses” and will focus on risk factors, clinical signs, and how stomach ulcers can be diagnosed. I can’t wait to learn about this relevant topic! I know many of my horsey friends currently have or have had gastric ulcers.
Click the flyer for more details about the event and to register.
In addition to the keynote presentation, you’ll have the opportunity to hear the most recent news from the Equine Science Center including updates on recently completed and ongoing research. We’ll close out the evening with the presentation of the Gold Medal Horse Farm and Spirit of the Horse Awards. This is always one of my favorite parts of the evening! (I always hope that I’ll get a trophy one day.) This year the recipient of the Spirit of the Horse award is Dr. Octavia Brown, Emeritus Professor of Equine Studies at Centenary University, who has worked tirelessly during her career to promote and further equine assisted services.
I can’t wait to see you tomorrow! Don’t forget to register at https://go.rutgers.edu/Evening2022.
Until Next Time.
Your Friend,

Lord Nelson