Hay there folks!Nelson here wishing you all happy holidays! I’m sure you’re all thinking about what your horses would like for their holiday gifts and I can give you the answer in one word: COOKIES! I’ve asked my pasture mates and barn buddies what their favorite snacks are and now I’m going to share their answers with you. Nothing makes us feel more loved than some homemade treats so here are some quick and easy recipes to make your horses feel loved this season!
Mm Mm Mint(~5 cookies/batch)
1 cup rolled oats
¼ cup water
1-2 tablespoons of molasses
5 peppermints in your horse’s favorite brand!Courtesy: Europeancutie
All you need to do to make these cookies is dampen the oats with water and until all are evenly moistened. Then you add enough molasses to make the mixture nice and stick. You can then roll the mixture into five separate pieces, mold into any shape you like, and place the peppermint in the middle. Then all you need to do is refrigerate your cookies so that they can harden. Then they’re ready to be delivered to your equine best friend!
Apple Snacks (batch size dependent on cookie size)
4 cups of bran
4 cups of applesauce (regular for special occasions, if used frequently buy no sugar added)
You will want a rolling pin and cookie cutters in your favorite shapes for these cookies. All you need to do is mix together the ingredients until they are a doughy consistency, roll flat with the rolling pin, and cut the cookies. Let the cookies dry/harden and then bring them out to the barn to spread the holiday spirit!
Special Carrot Sweets (batch size dependent on cookie size)
1 cup rolled outs
¼ cup water
1 pinch of honey
1 pinch of smooth peanut butter
1 small carrot
¼ cup of your horse’s favorite grain
Using a bowl, add the rolled oats and water followed by the honey and peanut butter. Then add the grain and stir. The substance should stick together and if it isn’t you can add more honey. Cut up the carrot into little pieces, these will be the center piece of you snack. Roll the mixture from the bowl into balls around the carrot pieces. Once you have your cookies rolled, place them in the fridge to harden. Then you’re ready to bring your cookies specially prepared for you horse out to the barn!There you have it! Three easy to prepare recipes that your horses are sure to love. If you don’t have the time to make anything special, you can always pick us up some ginger snap cookies and candy canes! We appreciate any snacks you bring us. Just remember to make sure to break up the candy canes into bite size pieces for us to eat, and try not to eat all the gingersnaps yourself! Enjoy your holidays, hug and feed your horses, and stay warm friends!
Comments (3)
Dec 23, 2014
Lord Nelson
Jan 07, 2015
Wendy Hale
Dec 24, 2014