Hay Everyone!
Can you believe November is right around the corner? It seems like just yesterday I was munching on all the fresh spring grass. Now I’m watching the leaves change color and seeing how many pumpkin donuts I can sneak in. I was told I may need to start watching my figure. Can you believe the nerve of that?! You do know what else November brings, right? The Evening of Science and Celebration is almost here! Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 14th.
The keynote speaker this year is our very own Dr. Kenneth McKeever. He’ll share some of the research conducted in our exercise physiology laboratory and its implications for Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH).
As always, you’ll want to make sure you catch the “Spirit of the Horse” and Gold Medal Horse Farm awards. I can tell you we have some amazing recipients this year! Dr. Malinowski’s summary of the remarkable research and activities happening at the Center is sure to keep your interest. Sometimes I wonder how we keep up with it all and still manage to stay rested!
And then there is my favorite part of the evening – the showcase of the New Jersey 4-H’ers from the 4-H Roundup Teams. This is always one of my favorite parts because we get to witness the talents of our New Jersey 4-H’ers. There’s nothing like a little youthful enthusiasm to make you sit up and pay attention!
On behalf of all my friends (human and hoofed) at the Equine Science Center, we look forward to seeing you on November 14th! Make sure to register HERE as soon as possible. You don’t want to miss this special event!
Until Next Time!

Your Pal,