Hay Everyone!
If you’re like me, you occasionally need a refresher on things you’ve learned in the past. Well, I was browsing the Equine Science Center’s website the other day and to my horror found I had forgotten what I could find there! I decided my readers might appreciate a brief overview of the Equine Science Center, the resources we can offer you, and opportunities for involvement.
I suppose the logical place to start our overview is with the purpose of the Equine Science Center. The Center’s mission is to provide “Better Horse Care through Research and Education to Ensure the Well-being of Equine Athletes and Sustainability of the New Jersey Horse Industry”. Any of the programs or resources my two-legged friends share, support this mission in some form. How do you stay up to date on how we’re achieving this mission?
As you might guess from the start of this post, the Equine Science Center’s website (esc.rutgers.edu/) is the first place to start anytime you’re looking for information about the Center, upcoming events, and educational resources. You can also get this information delivered straight into your inbox by subscribing to our quarterly newsletter. You’ll find the link to subscribe on the homepage! You can also stay up to date on the latest news and events by following the Rutgers Equine Science Center on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Search for Rutgers Equine Science Center on any of these platforms and you’ll be sure to find us!
The blog post right in front of you is part of one of the Equine Science Center’s educational initiatives. As the author of Lord Nelson’s Blog, I get to share cool information with you every month! You’ll find I’m an important part of the Kid’s Corner on the Equine Science Center website. In addition to writing my blog, you’ll find me featured in the Equine Science 4 Kids! activities. There’s no mistaking my handsome face! You’ll find a fun game that will teach you all about horses and the research we do under the Equine Science 4 Kids! link. Don’t forget to check out the New Jersey 4-H Horse Program while you’re visiting the Kids Corner!
The educational resources don’t end there, though. The Resources page and Library both feature a multitude of educational resources and links to outside resources. I could spend years exploring these areas! Of course, I’ll be starting with the nutrition related resources. I’m always open to adding a little something extra to my diet! If you can’t find the exact answer you’re looking for, you can always submit a question to Ask the Expert. I can spend hours reading the questions people submit about their four-legged friends. I have been (unsuccessfully) trying to convince the staff that I have the necessary expertise to answer questions submitted through Ask the Expert. I’ve been told “feed more doughnuts” is not always an acceptable answer! I can’t imagine why this wouldn’t be a good answer.
The reason the Equine Science Center can provide cutting-edge information is because of the world-class research program we have. The website has a whole page devoted to the research we carry out at the Equine Science Center. Of course, we also share the latest findings, which are often very exciting, on our social media platforms and in the newsletter.
The Equine Science Center and our fabulous work would be impossible without our dedicated supporters! There are so many ways to support the Equine Science Center’s motto of “Better Horse Care through Research and Education”. You can check out the many options on the Donate page on the website. You can choose to support our mission at any time during the year, but sometimes we have special events or initiatives of which you can be a part. If you follow the Equine Science Center on social media, you’ll be sure to hear about these opportunities.
Whew! That was a whirlwind tour. Now you see why I thought a brief refresher on what the Equine Science Center does and what resources and events we offer might be needed. I’m off to grab a quick snack, doughnuts, of course. I think a lovely jam-filled one would hit the spot before taking a short snooze in the sunshine. My brain needs time to recuperate from my writing.
Until Next Time.
Your Friend,

Lord Nelson