Hay Everyone!
Where has the year gone? It seems like it was just last week that I was writing about 2022 being a new year and now it’s almost over. I hope you and yours are ready to welcome in another new year! New Year’s always seems like a good time to take a few moments for reflection and goal setting. As you might guess, my goals and reflections usually center around eating and learning! Most years my list of New Year’s resolutions includes a new flavor of doughnut I want to try. I’m beginning to worry that they will run out of new flavors at some point. It hasn’t happened yet, so I’m keeping my hooves crossed that it stays that way.
My goals usually also include a couple of new things I want to learn in the coming year. This year I’m looking forward to attending all of the Equine Science Center’s spring events to hear about the newest scientific discoveries. I will be sharing some of the things I learn with you, of course!
As you take time to reflect and set your goals for the coming year, I have some questions to help you in that process. Check them out and see what you think!
- What was the coolest thing you learned in 2022?
- Is there a related topic you could learn about in 2023?
- What resources are most helpful to you when you’re trying to learn something new?
- Can you share those resources or the things you learn with other people?
- Do you put your new knowledge into practice?
Hopefully, reflecting on these questions gave you some ideas for goals in 2023! As you know, I love sharing my knowledge with others and I will continue to do so in the coming year. I hope 2023 is filled with fun times with friends and family for you!
Happy New Year!
Your Friend,

Lord Nelson