Hay everyone!
RU ready to help support the Rutgers Equine Science Center? Rutgers Giving Days are right around the corner, taking place on March 12th and 13th. As you might imagine, we will be super busy working to raise money to support the equine education, research, and outreach that we do here at the ESC.
You might be wondering, what are the Rutgers Giving Days? It’s a 48-hour campaign where you get to lend a helping hand to lots of organizations on campus. Each year, groups like student-run clubs, academic departments, and scholarship foundations reach out to the community to help them reach their goals. Rutgers has three main focus areas for giving: “Access to Academic Excellence,” “Building Community,” and “Common Good.”
This year, we are focusing on raising funds for the Equine Science Center of Excellence:
“The Rutgers Equine Science Center is recognized locally and globally as the primary resource for everything equine. Our mission includes educating students, stakeholders, and the public; training advocates for equine and other agricultural industries; finding solutions through science-based inquiry; and exploring the relationship between horses and humans. In 2001 the center set a course to become the first-call resource for equine health and management in the United States and internationally, with a team geared to deliver excellent science applicable to both animal and human health. We have done just that.”
Making a contribution on March 12th or 13th is super important to us because UMH Properties Inc. on behalf of Mr. Sam Landy and the Landy family will match donations made on those dates dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000. Be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page to get the link when it’s time to donate!
Mr. Sam Landy and Mrs. Laurie Landy at the 2017 Evening of Science and Celebration. Mrs. Landy was presented with the Spirit of the Horse Award by Dr. Malinowski on behalf of the Equine Science Center.
We all appreciate your support of the Center, and we certainly couldn’t do all this without you.
You rock!
Your friend,
Lord Nelson