What is a Horse Hero?
Mares in the research herd at the Rutgers Equine Science Center are Horse Heroes because they serve as participants in the varied research initiatives which positively benefit the greater equine community. The herd consists of Standardbreds, many of which are former racehorses. Horse Heroes in the research herd contribute to knowledge of horse health by assisting equine scientists and students to advance the well-being and performance of all horses and the equine industry. Recent studies conducted at the Equine Science Center include: the effects of age and training on glucose metabolism; how specific gut-derived bacteria could influence the development of laminitis; environmental best management practices on a horse farm; exercise physiology of the older horse; and numerous other studies.
By sponsoring a Horse Hero, You Can be a Hero, too!
To learn more about the program, or to sponsor a horse, please contact Kyle Hartmann at: kylehart@njaes.rutgers.edu
You can sponsor a horse 3 different ways:
Become a ‘Super Hero’ by donating $2000 per year
Become a ‘Champion’ by donating $1000 per year
Become a ‘Hero’ by donating $500 per year
Pictures of your horse hero
Correspondence and updates from students
Exclusive open house invitations
Your name listed on the Equine Science Center website
Horse Heroes

Registered Name: Princess Alysha Tattoo # 9AD010
Date of Birth: April 1, 2003
SIRE: BJ’s Whirlwind (Lifetime earnings: $954,463)
DAM: Raider Arms (Lifetime earnings: $168,417)
Original Home: BJ Farm, Jamesport, NY
Many of the mares at the Rutgers Equine Science Center have been on campus for over 15 years! They continue to help us understand the physiology of aging in horses, ensuring that we continue to fulfill our mission of “Better Horse Care through Research and Education.”
Allie is one of the younger mares in the Equine Science Center research herd. She is very well-behaved on the treadmill and Equi-Ciser™ and enjoys her peace and quiet. Students and faculty discovered just how tolerant she is in 2008 when she developed a corneal ulcer that required frequent medication. She was a wonderful patient who stood for her treatment and recovered perfectly.
Throughout history the horse has served as an outstanding model for human medicine. Many human conditions and ailments, such as obesity, Type II diabetes, inflammation, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular function, immune function, nutritional deficiencies, thermoregulation, and aging issues all occur in horses and are being studied effectively via equine models. The standardbred mares involved in the research of Drs. McKeever and Malinowski have helped provided insight into the aging process and also into the response of horses to acute exercise.

Registered Name: Jamacianme Wild Tattoo # 6D107
Date of Birth: May 22, 2006
Rutgers Arrival: June 1, 2014
SIRE: Cam's Card Shark (Lifetime earnings: $2,498,204)
DAM: March On In (Lifetime earnings: $170,305)
Original Home: Fort Lee, NJ
In the spring of 2014, Diane and Joe Quail reached out to us at the Equine Science Center after their daughter recommended that they contact us in regard to finding a new home for their 8 year old mare that they wanted to retire from racing. It so happened that Dr. McKeever was looking for some new Standardbred mares about Janie’s age so she entered the research herd at RU!
Janie, is one of our stars, working diligently on both the Equi-ciser and the high speed treadmill as she participates in our cutting edge research, designed to improve the health and well-being of all equine athletes.
Janie raced 153 times, placing first 13 times, earning $57,000. Her fastest time for the mile was at age three when she paced in 1:57.3 on a half-mile track.
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