Karyn Malinowski, Ph. D.
Director, Professor of Animal Sciences
Karyn was appointed director in July 2001. Dr. Malinowski has been a faculty member at Cook College (now known as the School of Environmental & Biological Sciences) since 1978. Her research and extension programs concentrate on improving the well-being and quality of life of the equine athlete while ensuring the vitality and viability of the equine industry, both statewide and nationally.

Kenneth McKeever, Ph.D., FACSM, FAPS
Associate Director of Research, Professor of Animal Sciences
Kenneth joined the Faculty in the Department of Animal Sciences at Rutgers University as an Associate Professor in 1995 and proceeded to build, develop, and coordinated one of the most active Equine Exercise Physiology laboratories in the country. Dr. McKeever earned the rank of Full Professor in 2009 and currently serves as Associate Director of Research for the Equine Science Center.

Carey Williams, Ph.D.
Associate Director of Outreach, Associate Professor Animal Sciences
Carey joined Rutgers University in July 2003 as its equine Extension Specialist, and the Associate Director of Outreach for the Equine Science Center taking an active role in teaching, conducting research, and working with the equine and academic communities to ensure the viability of the horse industry in New Jersey.

Taylor Ross, Ph.D.
Associate Director of Education, Associate Professor Animal Sciences
Taylor joined Rutgers University as a Teaching Instructor in September 2022. Her Ph.D. focused on Animal Science Education, and she has a background in 4-H and youth education. Her role will include a 100% teaching appointment, with several undergraduate courses including Animal Welfare, Animal Assisted Therapies, and Horse Management. She also serves as an undergraduate advisor, as well as an advisor to multiple student groups and clubs.

Kyle Hartmann
Public Relations Specialist
Kyle joined the Rutgers Equine Science Center in 2014. Previously working for the university in another capacity, Mr. Hartmann was excited to bring his experience to this new opportunity. Since his start, the Center has seen multiple redesigns and changes on media projects and promotional items.
Rutgers Affiliated Faculty & Staff
Carol A. Bagnell, Ph.D.
Department of Animal Sciences
William J. Bamka
Agricultural Resource Management Agent
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Burlington County
Clint Burgher
NJAES Animal Care Program
Donna Fennell, Ph.D.
Department of Environmental Sciences
Thomas Gianfagna, Ph.D.
Department of Plant Biology and Pathology
Daniel Giménez, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences
Paul Gottlieb, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
George C. Hamilton, Ph.D.
Department of Entomology
Larry S. Katz, Ph.D.
Department of Animal Sciences
Stephen J. Komar
Agricultural Resource Management Agent
Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Sussex County
Uta Krogmann, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences
David Lee
Agricultural Resource Management Agent
Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Salem County
William Meyer, Ph.D.
Department of Plant Biology and Pathology
Robert C. Mickel
Agricultural Resource Management Agent
Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Hunterdon County
James Murphy, Ph.D.
Department of Plant Biology and Pathology
Stephanie Murphy, Ph.D.
Soil Testing Laboratory
Christopher C. Obropta, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences
Janet Onishi, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Brian Schilling, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
William J. Sciarappa, Ph.D.
Agricultural Resource Management Agent
Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Monmouth County
Michael V.K. Sukhdeo, Ph.D.
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resource
Kevin Sullivan
Office of Research Analytics
Michael L. Westendorf, Ph.D.
Department of Animal Sciences
Collaborators from other Universities & Industries
Amy Biddle
Assistant Professor
Department of Animal and Food Sciences
Laura Kenny
Extension Educator, Equine
Penn State Extension, Montgomery County
Michael Fugaro, VMD, dACVS
Mountain Pointe Equine Veterinary Services
David Horohov, Ph.D.
Chair and Director
Gluck Equine Research Center and Department of Veterinary Science University of Kentucky
Charles Kearns, Ph.D.
Director, Medical Affairs
theheart.org and Medscape Education
Robert Lehnhard
Professor, Director
Laboratory of Work Physiology College of Education, University of Maine
Roger Moon
University of Minnesota
Rebecca Splan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Equine Science & Management
Delaware Valley University
Peter Ryan, Ph.D.
Professor, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Mississippi State University
Carolyn Stull, Ph.D.
Animal Welfare Cooperative Extension Specialist
University of California Davis
Manoel Tamassia, DVM, Ph.D., dACT
Director Division of Animal Health
New Jersey Dept of Agriculture
RUBEA Advisory Board
In 1992, a committee of stakeholders representing various equine interests formed the Equine Advisory Committee to support the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, formally known as Cook College. The committee secured from the New Jersey Legislature an allocation of $1.2 million in uncollected pari-mutuel winnings for the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station – of which $300,000 was used to support equine research and the facilities and operations of the Equine Science Center. Subsequently, $900,000 in funding to the Experiment Station for Strategic Initiatives was made a line item in the state budget.
The Equine Advisory Committee evolved into a more formal advisory group, the Rutgers University Board for Equine Advancement (RUBEA). Over time the goals and composition of the board have been modified as required.
RUBEA’s mission is to assist the Rutgers Equine Science Center in its decisions regarding its equine teaching, research, and outreach; and to promote and support these activities through fund-raising and advocacy efforts. RUBEA’s vision is to be recognized as the advisory, advocacy, and fund-raising organization for the Rutgers Equine Science Center, meeting the financial needs for its sustenance and growth.
Membership on the board, once drawn from a wide spectrum of equine organizations in the state, was refined to emphasize individuals and organizations who impact the horse industry, not only in New Jersey but nationally and internationally, and have the desire and wherewithal to assist the Equine Science Center in meeting its fund-raising goals. RUBEA hopes this expanded function will make it as effective as possible in promoting the stature and progress of the Equine Science Center and assuring its continued vitality.