Hay Everyone!

Tomorrow will be the first day of July. How is that possible? It seems the days just fly away from you when you’re having fun. For me, the summer months bring lots of time standing under the shade trees and relaxing. I don’t mind a nice shower in the wash stall either to help drive away the summer heat. This coming weekend can be an anxious time for your horses and other pets, though. Most of us enjoy a fun celebration on July 4th as we celebrate our country’s independence. For many this celebration might include a spectacular fireworks show. This noisy show can be terrifying to horses and other pets. What can you do to help keep your horse safe this weekend as we celebrate?

First, it might be a good idea to take a look at the local schedule of events. Are there any large firework shows scheduled in your area? This information can help you plot out the best strategy. You can also talk to your neighbors. This might be the perfect opportunity to educate them on how horses perceive fireworks and why they’re a potential safety concern.

On the big day, stick to your normal routine as much as possible. You don’t want to upset your horse by changing its routine. Whether you choose to leave your horse outside or bring it in the barn for the evening will depend on your circumstances, your horse’s personality, and its normal routine. Do take the time to double check the enclosure, whether it’s a stall or pasture for potential hazards. Are there loose boards, uneven footing, or other potential hazards? If so, you’ll want to fix these potential issues before they harm your horse. You’ll want to stay calm and relaxed throughout the day as your horse may pick up on changes in your demeanor and behavior, thus, becoming more upset. As you work around your horse, remember your safety always comes first. Don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation. If you become injured, you won’t be able to help your horse. You might be able to play music to help cover the sound of the fireworks. If you don’t regularly play music in the barn or around your horse, you may want to go ahead and start doing this now, so your horse can become accustomed to it.

Hopefully, these tips will help you keep your horse calm and safe on July 4th. Take the time to enjoy the celebration with friends and family!

Until Next Time.

Your Friend,

Lord Nelson

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