Hay everyone!

It’s certainly summertime here in New Jersey! My 4-legged friends here at the ESC have been enjoying some quiet days on the farm since the end of the semester. It’s pretty nice, but that doesn’t mean we are opposed to some company! I love watching the farm tours, we’re lucky to have some knowledgeable staff at the Rutgers farm and lots of people eager to learn from them. Don’t worry, the ESC has an awesome event of our own for you equine enthusiasts: the annual Summer Showcase!


Here’s everything you need to know:

Date: Thursday, July 11, 2024

Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm

Location: Rutgers Cook Farm – Red Barn

65 Sheepfold Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Registration: https://go.rutgers.edu/ESCShowcase2024


You might be thinking, “what makes this event so special, Lord Nelson?” That’s a good question! (I might be a bit biased though because I think all of our events are extra special.) Anyway, the Summer Showcase gives all of you guys a great opportunity to have a closer look at all the cool science we do at the Equine Science Center (it’s in our name, after all!).

After getting checked in, you’ll start at the treadmill barn to see our very own research horses give a treadmill demonstration. You’ll also have a chance to chat with Dr. Williams as she guides you through an equine anatomy lesson featuring Wishbone. Dr. Herbst has some exciting new technology to show you too. I’ll give you a hint: it can help us measure the body composition of horses! Finally, Dr. McKeever is always happy to talk about some of our upcoming projects and give you a behind-the-scenes tour of the Equine Exercise Physiology Lab.

I can’t wait to see y’all on Thursday, July 11th at noon!

Be sure to tell all your friends and family about this FREE event! All you have to do is register in advance using the link above and you’ll be all set.


Until next time.

Your friend,

Lord Nelson

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